
<The magic of the white snake>(30/34)

2017-08-19 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版


The true magic of the West Lake and its  people can only be fully experienced by knowing about the secret of the white  snake.


Just as Xian was setting the diadem onto her head,she recognized the fake  monk Fa Hai behind the ridiculous facade of (正面的)the foolish peddler.

But in the same moment,it was already too  late.

The diadem could no longer be removed  from her head.

In reality(实际上),it was a sacrificial bowl upon which a spell had been cast,wrapping  itself instantaneously(瞬间地) around Suzhen’s beautiful head.

The crown grew tighter and tighter and  Suzhen’s pain soon beacme unbearable.

She quickly pushed her boy into Xian’s  arm.

Farewell,my love!With these words,her human form dissolved,returning her  to the shape of a snake.

At the same time,the diadem transformed  itself into a sacrificial bowl(),entrapping the white snake.

There was no escape.

Caught in the sacrificial bowl,any  resistance against the monk was impossible.

Meanwhile,Fa Hai had rid himself of his absurd(可笑的) facade.

Just as he was about to grab the sacrificial  bowl,he was hurtled backwards by two mighty bolts of  lightning.

Struck by fear,people ran asunder,seeking shelter(庇护所).

It was Xiao Qing,the green lady.

No,she was not about to(不愿) let her best friend get into the hands of the evil  monk without fight.

Just as he was trying to return to his  feet,she once again,threw two powerful bolts towards him.

But this time he was faster.

Qick-witted,he jumped aside,countering  the attack with severe lightning and tongued of fire.

Never again would the people of Hangzhou  forget this Lantern Festival.

A fierce battle unfolded before their  very eyes,in which it first seemed that there could be no winner.

But after Qing was struck several times  by violent blasts of lightning,she felt her powers declining more and more.

The monk had won.

As soon as he saw that the green lady was  no longer able to resist,he grabbed the sacrificial bowl and disappeared through the  agitated(不安的) mass of onlookers(旁观者).

He held the prize in his arms.

Now you are mine.Never again will you oppose my  will.

Fa Hai cackled(咯咯笑) satanically(恶魔般地).




